Polarization correlation and entanglement of annihilation photons
in positron emission tomography
Professor: Pragya Das
Polarization-directional correlation of gamma rays in
spectroscopic investigation of nuclei
Professor: Pragya Das
Designing liquid cell for self-assembly studies in nanomaterials
Professor: Sunita
Description: The polarization correlation of coincident
gamma rays, the property of entanglement (orthogonal
polarization) of annihilation photons (511 keV), has immense
potential in positron emission tomography (PET). It can help
classify the true coincidence events amongst the scattered,
random, and multiple events. This project requires simulation
work and computer programming. The available codes (GATE,
GEANT4) can be utilized wherever possible.
Number of students: 2
Year of study: Students entering 4th/5th year
Prerequisites: Computer programming, Usage of MATLAB
Duration:2 months
Learning outcome: Positron emission tomography, Monte
Carlo simulation, Usage of software - GATE and GEANT4
Weekly time commitment: 10 hours (average)
General expectations: Start working for immediately after
joining the project.
Instructions for assignment: Discuss the simulation part
only in brief.Student should have keen interest in computer
programming and simulation work.
Description: For the spectroscopic investigation of
nuclei, the accurate spin-parity assignment to nuclear states is
utmost crucial. Most studies in literature have focused on
finding the directional-correlation ratios (DCO) for the spin
assignment, without the simultaneous use of
polarization-directional correlation (PDCO) to ascertain the
spin-parity and mixing ratio. The project requires understanding
the available code for the theoretical PDCO analysis. The
theoretical results will be compared with the experiment to find
the spin-parity of the states.
Number of students: 1
Year of study: Students entering 4th/5th year
CPI eligibility criteria: 7.5+
Prerequisites: Computer programming, Using codes in the
Linux based system, Basic quantum mechanics. The student should
have interest to install the available code for PDCO analysis.
Duration: 2 months.
Learning outcome: Polarization study for finding parity
of the Nuclear states
Weekly time commitment: 10 hours
General expectations: The student should be willing to
start the project immediately after joining.
Instructions for assignment: Discuss in brief the basics
of polarization-directional correlation of gamma rays.
Description: This project will involve designing
liquid-cell chamber for experiments to study the self-assembly
of nanoscale materials at surfaces and interfaces.
Number of students: 1
Year of study: Students entering 3rd year
CPI eligibility criteria: >8
Prerequisites: No
Duration: 3 months
Learning outcome: Understanding the self-assembly
mechanism in nanoscale materials to manufacture material by
design with controlled physical properties.