AI & Digitalization for Chemical Industry Applications
Professor: Rahul Nabar
Description: Recent advances in AI e.g. ChatGPT are
phenomenal however not much has been applied to domain
applications in the Chemical Industry. For example, workflows
are essentially manual and the impact of Digitalization on the
industry is marginal. The major difficulty is the lack of
chemical domain knowledge in good Computer majors and vice
versa. The aim of the project is to start with authoritative
traditional literature in regulation, equipment selection and
related areas and then apply modern AI advances to such
documents. The goal is to come up with a UI that chemical
industry domain users can use to harness traditional knowledge
trapped in non-digital documents.
Number of students: 1
Year of study: Students entering 2nd year, Students
entering 3rd year, Students entering 4th/5th year
CPI eligibility criteria: 8
Prerequisites: Interest in programming for applied
Duration: 2 months.
Learning outcome: Exposure to applying AI skills to
chemical industry domain problems